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User Transition

In the event a user is deactivated or leaves the application due to their departure from the organization, the following process will outline the necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition and secure management of their account and associated data.

Personal Board Assignment:

  • When an admin deactivates a user from the admin console, a prompt will appear requesting confirmation for the deactivation.
  • During this step, the admin can choose to either assign the user’s tasks and responsibilities to their manager (pre-selected by default) or select another user to take over the departing user’s tasks.

  • If a task was created on the exiting user’s personal board, it will be reassigned to the new user’s personal board during the deactivation process.

Team Based Assignment: 

  • If the tasks were created within a team and the selected replacement user is part of the same team as the exiting user, the task will be reassigned within the same team to the new user.
  • If the new user is not already a member of the team the deactivated user belonged to, they will be added to that team. Once added, the tasks will be internally reassigned to the new user within the same team

New User Assignment:

When a user transitions and the admin assigns a replacement member for the tasks previously assigned to the departing user, a new task is created and assigned to the replacement user. This task will include the history of all tasks previously assigned to the transitioning user, ensuring the new user has full context to take the necessary actions.

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