
Email Integrations:

Drutas simplifies team communications with seamless email integration. Configure your workflow emails to automatically create tasks from incoming emails or send automated replies, ensuring smooth and efficient email management within the platform.

Steps to Create a Workflow Email ID

To generate an email ID from the Workflow, follow these steps:

  • Go to the team settings page,
  • Select a workflow,
  • Check and select the ‘Email Integration’ feature from the list on the left side of the workflow page, shown below:
  • Every time you create a workflow, it is assigned a default email name that you can edit, while the domain name remains fixed. To rename the workflow email, simply click the edit icon and update the name:

ChatBot Integration:

Experience the future of support with Nimba! This AI-powered personal assistant is seamlessly integrated into Drutas, delivering instant, real-time help whenever you need it. Say goodbye to delays and hello to smarter, faster, and more efficient assistance—unlock productivity like never before with Nimba, available 24/7 to guide you every step of the way!

Key Features of Nimba:

  • Instant Help: Get answers to your queries in real-time, whether you’re navigating the app or troubleshooting issues.
  • Resourceful Guidance: Nimba leverages synced files and documents to provide accurate and updated information, ensuring your team stays informed.
  • Smarter Workflows: From understanding features to resolving complex queries, Nimba streamlines processes, saving time and effort.

To access Chatbot Nimba:

Chat with Nimba icon is visually intuitive,

  • Log in to the application,
  • Scroll to the bottom-left corner,
  • Click the ‘Chat with Nimba’ icon
  • Start a conversation by typing in the text window.

Admin Controls:

Admins can add and sync chatbot files and documents, ensuring Nimba always has the most up-to-date resources to assist you.

Start a conversation with Nimba today and see how it transforms the way you work, making support smarter, faster, and simpler than ever before!