You can search for teams in your organization using the Team search bar, set a team as primary or secondary, bookmark a team, and request to join any team you want to
In Drutas, you have the option to view teams in two formats: list view and dashboard view.
List View:
In list view, tasks created under a team are displayed in an organized manner, making it easy to update task status, due dates, priorities, and assignees directly through the team names and details.
In the dashboard view, you can see teams displayed in a more visual format, which includes task stages, priorities, and workflow task counts. Real-time data updates from any team filter ensure accurate and consistent views.
Boards act as a hub where team members access information shared by team owners, who can add descriptions, essential details, and links to frequently used tasks or workflows.
Team members can create filters to track tasks from their creation to various other actions. Within a team, unlimited filters can be created to track task statuses from creation to final actions like approvals, rejections, reassignments, and holds. Customize the approval filter to optimize workflows.