Configure Email Notifications:
In the “Configure” tab of your user profile, you can customize your email notifications. You can turn them off entirely or selectively disable notifications for daily digest updates, assigned tasks, and followed tasks.
Daily Digest Updates – you receive email summaries of overdue tasks with descriptions, assigned by, due dates, and task IDs for easy access.
Assigned Tasks Updates – you receive email notifications about updates on tasks assigned to you by organization members, with easy access through the task name.
Plan my day:
To disable the “Plan My Day” feature and stop viewing and planning assigned tasks, you can turn off this feature in the “Configure” section as highlighted in the image below.
You can include to show tasks based on their due days and choose how to view them. By default, tasks due in 3 days are selected. Additionally, you can choose to include tasks without due dates, but this option is not pre-selected by default. Lastly, you can add, delete, or rename stages in your personal project “My Board.” Note: you cannot delete the final stage, you can only rename it.