Comments in the task sidebar serve as a communication tool for task-specific discussions and allow users to tag team members.
Who can add comments in the Task Sidebar
Task assignees, followers, or team members can add comments to a task, and you’ll receive real-time notifications when they do.
The comments icon in both the team grid and task sidebar turns red to indicate a new comment, shown below:
Once a comment is read, the comment icon turns blue, indicating it has been seen, as shown below. Comments in black indicate that no comments have been added to the task.
You can tag assignees in the comment section, even if they are not part of the task. When you tag an assignee’s name, a prompt will appear asking, “Do you want to add the mentioned user(s) as followers to this task?” shown below:
If you click “Yes,” the assignee becomes a task follower and receives notifications; if you click “No,” the user does not become a follower.
The “@all” feature allows you to notify everyone involved in a task with a single tag, saving time and effort. This ensures that all team members are aware of specific comments, updates, or important information related to the task, shown below:
You can easily add or remove images in the comments section of the task sidebar, providing visual context or information.
Comments page: