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  4. How to create a task

How to create a task

There are two primary methods for task creation:

    • Personal Team
    • Team
  • To add a task, you can navigate to the “My Task” section and click on the “Add Task” button, as shown in the image below:

  • A task can either be assigned to a user or a to a team  as shown in the below images respectively:

  • When you click on the “Add Task” button, you will see the default selection for the team, which will be the same team from which you are creating the task as shown below in the image:

  • By default, your name will appear as the default task assignee. Nevertheless, you have the option to choose a different user for the task if desired. The user assignee dropdown will present a list of all team members to select from:
  • You can also chose to delegate or  to pass on the task as per your requirement.
  • Once you click save a task will be created and a flash notification will appear on the top right corner of the screen, indicating that the task has been created. Image shown below:

  • Tasks that you create will be visible under the “ownership”, “following” and “all task” heading, which can be accessed by selecting it from the drop-down menu as shown below:

  • You have the option to remove the due date from a task or add it back by clicking the toggle calendar. This allows you to keep the task in your list while giving you the flexibility to add the due date back if necessary:

  • While it is not required, you can also add tags to a task to help distinguish it from other tasks and make it easier to filter. You can assign multiple tags to a single task. Apart from the tags added on the Workflow designer page, you have the option to include additional tags for a task.
  • In addition to the description added on the Workflow designer page, you have the flexibility to include additional details in the description.
  • Apart from the attachment added on the Workflow designer page, you have the option to attach additional files or documents to the task.

  • If multiple people are working on a task, you can use the Link Task” feature to divide the task into smaller parts and link to it. This can help organize the work and ensure that all necessary tasks are completed:

  • You can create subtasks for a task by clicking the hyperlink on the far right side, which will convert it into a task, shown below in the image:

aTo ensure that tasks are completed in the correct order and at the appropriate time, you can set the task dependencies toggle button. This allows you to specify that certain tasks must be completed before others can be started. This can help ensure that all necessary tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.

Once you have selected all of the necessary options, you can save the task. Alternatively, you can choose to cancel the task if you do not want to create it.


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