Want to prioritize your tasks? Pin them to the top of the team dashboard grid for easy access.
You can pin a task directly from the Task sidebar by opening it and clicking on the Pin icon that appears when you hover over the task. This action will create a new grid in the list view of the “My Board” or any other Team/Project from where you have pinned a task.
You can pin an unlimited number of tasks, and all pinned tasks will appear in the list view of “My Board” or any other Team/Project, the grid for the rest of the task will be moved below, as shown in the image:
The pinning icon will display a tooltip saying “Pin Task,” and when unpinning, the tooltip will change to “Remove Pin, shown below:

If a task is part of multiple projects or teams, it can still be pinned, but you cannot pin the same task more than once across different projects. The pinned tasks grid will not be visible if the user has selected the Approvals or Archived filters.
You can rearrange pinned tasks using the drag-and-drop icons on the left side of the pinned grid (as shown in the image below). These icons, which appear when you hover over a task, allow you to move tasks to different positions within the pinned section.