How to set up a Workflow
A workflow helps define, organize, and implement steps to achieve specific task requirements. To set up a workflow, you need to create and name your workflow, customize the stages, assign roles, set deadlines and optionally add automation for tasks created under the workflow.
Quick Settings:
To access quick settings for minor workflow adjustments, go to the team settings sidebar. Hover over the workflow name to reveal a settings icon. Click this icon to change the default workflow assignee, copy the email for task creation, and adjust privacy settings.
How to modify the Workflow settings?
Workflow settings:
Workflow name and quick information:
You can update the default workflow name and quick info on the workflow settings page. These details are displayed at the top of the settings page and in the task sidebar dropdown for easy identification during task assignment. The quick info appears as an “i” tooltip in task assignment details, showing information when hovered over. Both are highlighted in the image below.
Note: the workflow name field allows you to input a maximum of 35 characters and the workflow quick info allows you to input a maximum of 120 characters.
Workflow settings icons:
Workflow icons for task, workflow privacy, status, task duration, and comments settings are located on the top next to the Workflow name and info fields.
Workflows Icon and Privacy:
Each workflow is assigned a default icon, which you can customize to fit your specific needs. The chosen icon will be linked to tasks created through that workflow. You can update the workflow icon anytime, and new tasks will use the updated icon. Icons can be updated from the highlighted dropdown:
Note: Workflow icons will be visible in the team grid on the task line and on the top of the task sidebar. The color of these icons will correspond to the privacy settings chosen for each workflow.
By default the Workflow privacy settings have been made closed, you can adjust the privacy type of the Workflow from the settings page, as shown below in the image:
Depending on the privacy settings of the workflows, they will be listed accordingly on the Collab Central page.
Workflow Status:
You can toggle the Workflow as active or inactive. Inactive workflows won’t appear in task assignment details or on the Collab Central menu. If there’s only one default workflow, create and set a new default before marking the previous one as inactive.
Task Duration:
The task duration will include the time from the workflow due date and the due dates of any child tasks. The total of these times will be shown in the Task Duration field.
To hide the task comments panel in the task sidebar, use the comments toggle on the workflow settings page as shown below in the image:
Create Task by Email
You can configure emails in workflows by enabling the “Create Task by Email” option and setting up automatic replies by checking the “Acknowledgement” box.