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  3. Automation Using Workflows
  4. Flow Elements
  5. Add Flow Elements from the Designer Page

Add Flow Elements from the Designer Page

To automate a task, you can add the “Flow Element” from the workflow settings/designer page:

To add External Flow Elements follow the below steps:

  • Click the team settings sidebar
  • Switch to the Workflow page
  • Click any Workflow to go to the settings page and add external flow elements, shown below:

How to Make Flow Elements Selection

  • Click “+ Flow Element” to open task assignment details and choose the next team/user, setting the task’s path, as shown below:

  • You can also select the approval icon to set the task for approval by the chosen team/user, shown below:

  • You can also opt to lock the task to secure its name, description, and attachments, and unlock it anytime from the task sidebar, as shown below:

  • Return Mode Selection

The return mode selection lets you delegate or pass on the initial flow element for smooth task progression, shown below:

  • Dropdown One and Two

By default, the first dropdown selects teams/projects, and the second shows the first team alphabetically. You can manually select a user in the first dropdown, which will update the next dropdown with the user list and workflow selection.

  • Dropdown Three and Four

If you select a team/project, choose a Workflow from the fourth dropdown based on privacy settings, or select a user from the final dropdown if you’re part of the team/project.

Please note that the flow elements added in the Workflow settings page, take effect when you mark the initial task as “Complete and Forward” in the task sidebar, moving the task to the next assigned team based on the workflow design, as shown below:

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