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  5. Task Settings Under the Workflow Designer

Task Settings Under the Workflow Designer

How to access the Workflow Designer page:

  • Go to the Team, click the settings gear icon 
  • Teams sidebar will be opened, click the Workflow page
  • Click an already existing workflow 

Settings up the Task creation: 

To have task fields appear automatically when selecting a workflow from the task assignment details, you can complete the following settings on the workflow settings page:

  • Task name:

You can set a task name for the workflow, visible during task assignment. If left blank, you can enter your own name. A provided task name in the settings overrides any entered name. “Simplified Task Details” is enabled by default for a simpler view; deselect it for detailed view. This option is highlighted below:

  • Task setup:

Just below the Task Name, you can set task priority, due date, and archive days (the number of days before a task is archived after completion). You can also customize these fields during task setup from the task assignment details. These options have been highlighted below in the image:

  • Tags and Followers:

In the workflow settings page, below task priority, due date, and archive settings, you can add tags and followers. Click the tag label to add existing tags or type a new tag and click the plus icon. Tags are automatically applied to tasks for filtering in Teams. Adding followers will have default access to the task. Tags and followers labels are highlighted in the image below:

  • Reminders:

You can set up dynamic reminders and get notified when you’re near it. Reminders added will be automatically applied to the task when created using the Workflows,

To add a reminder from the Workflow settings page, use the highlighted section in the image below.

  • Stages

Who can access the stage panel of the Workflow Settings page:

Both team owners and collaborators can access the Stage panel via the Workflow settings page, which will take you to the Team settings sidebar.

Some important information on the stages
  • Only the team owners can add, delete, edit, or rearrange stages
  • You can select the incoming stage, add a new stage, and modify the default assignee for each stage.
  • You can also deactivate the auto-select toggle to choose the incoming stage from a dropdown menu of available options, as shown below in the image:

How to add a Stage using the Workflow settings page:
To add more stages and adjust the default assignee, click “+ New Stage” button that will redirect you to the stage panel in the Team settings sidebar, as shown in the image below:

Skipping a Stage

If you’re a team owner, you have the ability to skip the team stages using the workflow stages, providing the flexibility to bypass certain stages.  


To auto-populate the task description, enter a custom description in the Task Description field on the workflow settings page. This updates the task description automatically. Hide this field in the task sidebar by disabling the show toggle. You can also activate the Description Pop-out option for new task descriptions, which opens the description field in pop-out mode.


To add attachments, use ‘Add Attachment’ in Workflow settings. File size limit: 0.0019 GB. Toggle off to hide in task creation; show from task sidebar if needed.

Subtasks and Childtasks:

Child Tasks:
Child tasks break down a parent task into small tasks with their own due dates and assignees. Adding child tasks automatically enables the dependency toggle in workflow settings. 
Follow the below steps to add a Child tasks
  • Click the “+ Child Task” button.
  • A window will open where you can select a project/user, add a task name, set priority, and choose a due date and click save button as shown below in the image:

Sub Tasks:

Subtasks can be added as checklists or to-do lists within a task. To add a subtask:

  • Click the “+ Subtask” button in the workflow settings, enter a name and due date in the window that opens, and click save, as shown below:

  • Created tasks will show these subtasks in the task sidebar.
  • If needed, convert a subtask into an independent task using the “Convert to Task” option in the task sidebar, as shown below:

  • The converted task will be added under the child task lists of the parent task.
Please note that if sub-tasks or child tasks are incomplete, closing the parent task triggers a prompt about pending dependencies. This ensures you’re aware of outstanding tasks before finalizing the parent task.
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