Enhance productivity with custom team filters!
Default Filters: How to edit a default/existing Filter:
The team grid has five fixed filters: Assigned, All Tasks, Ownership, Delegated, and Archived, with Assigned as the default for new teams. A sixth dynamic filter, Pending Approvals, appears only when there are pending approvals. The selected filter’s name will appear in the dropdown on the right, shown below:
Dynamic Pending Approval filter:

To edit a default filter, follow the below steps:
- Select a team grid to view the default filters.
Choose a filter, and its name will appear in the dropdown on the right, click the edit icon to open the filter’s settings, shown below:
- Save your changes, and the tasks will update based on the selected criteria.
Default filters can be customized by adjusting options like date range and incomplete tasks, but their names can’t be changed, shown below:
While the default filters’ positions are fixed, newly added filters can be rearranged or replace a default filter. While default filters are pinned to the grid by default, a custom filter (new filter) can also be pinned, allowing you to replace the default filters.
Pinning a new Filter in the Team Grid:
You can pin newly added filters to specific positions in the team grid via a dropdown. The pinned filter will replace any existing filter in that spot.
To pin a filter position:
- Click the “Pin to Board” icon in the filter pop-up, then select the desired position, shown below:
- The pinned filter will replace the existing default filter on the team board.
Creating new filters:
Newly created team filters can be added and brought to the team grid for easy access. You can create new filters to customize task views to your specific requirements. This allows you to tailor your task management experience, ensuring you focus on what matters most and streamline your team’s progress.
How to create a new filter:
- Select a team from the teams list
- On the team grid page, click on the “Add Filter” icon located on the right side of the page, shown below:
- A new filter pop-up will open, enabling you to filter tasks on multiple criteria like stages, assignees, priority etc.
- You can save the filter under a custom name, if the filter is not pinned, it will be available in the filters dropdown list located on the right side of the screen, shown below:
Custom Filters
You can create custom filters to refine results in the Analytics view. For example, to display all high-priority tasks assigned to you, simply customize the filter by selecting the Assignee and Priority options, then save it. The charts in Analytics will then visually reflect your chosen filters. Additionally, you can display the filter’s custom view in the team grid by selecting options such as Stage, Task ID, Due Date, Priority, Assigned By, Assignee, and Tags.
Filters can be cloned, deleted, or set to private, making them visible only to the owner. The owner can also choose to make the filter visible to everyone.
The icon for deleting a filter, restricting its visibility (seen on the left bottom side) and cloning the custom filter (seen on the top right side) has been shown below:
You can click on the ‘Export’ option using the settings icon present in the team’s grid, which will export all tasks associated with the selected filter as a CSV, PDF or Excel file.
Filters play a key role in determining the data displayed in the team and user level dashboards. By adjusting these filters, you can customize the Dashboard view to focus on specific each projects, its stages and tasks based on your selected criteria.